Assistant Property Manager: 10/1/2019 - 2/29/2020

■ Responsible For Collecting $20,000+ Per Month In Rent From Tenants – Sent out payment reminders, issued receipts, processed refunds, and recorded payment details for tax purposes.

■ Kept The Rental Properties At Their Maximum Capacity Of 38 Tenants – Managed marketing systems that brought in new tenants, answered questions over the phone, sent out rental agreements, and ran background checks.

■ Kept Guests Safe By Monitoring Security Cameras – Identified unauthorized guests and tenants who committed theft.

■ Responded To Maintenance Requests – Fixed a leaking pipe, restored hot water, repaired drywall, fixed a dryer, replaced a broken shower door.

■ Served Eviction Notices To Tenants – Also identified an issue with the eviction notices the company was using and reported this to the owner (which saved the company from serving eviction notices that weren’t legally compliant).

■ Calmly Dealt With Upset Tenants – Listened to their problems and provided them with win-win solutions.

■ Performed Detailed Cleanings – Scrubbed bathrooms, cleaned kitchens, took out the trash, vacuumed carpets, mopped floors, did laundry.

In-Home Caregiver: 3/15/2007 - 10/1/2019

■ Kept Accurate Medical Records Of Patients For Doctors & Nurses – Recorded vital signs such as temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate, and blood sugar levels.

■ Kept Patients Alert Through Entertainment & Mental Stimulation – Regularly conversed with patients and put together television, music, and holiday plans.

■ Managed Financial, Medical & Estate Documents Of Patients – Kept track of important papers and handled incoming mail and responses on behalf of the patients.

■ Attentive Cleaning And Stocking Of Household – Cleaned the house, ran errands, and did weekly grocery shopping.

■ Supported Good Daily Hygiene Habits – Assisted patients with bathing, dressing, dental care, and personal grooming.

■ Maintained Healthy Patient Diets – Planned, prepared and served meals according to physician prescribed diets.

High School Graduate: 2005

■ Crockett High School – Austin, TX

■ Computer Maintenance – 2 Year Program